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Check out this step sequencer made from Lego bricks

It's more than just a toy...

A new video sees musician Giuseppe Acito of Opificio Sonico demonstrating how to use a sequencer made from Lego bricks to create techno loops.

"It consists of a four tracks rhythm machine which mechanically generates the electric impulses needed to trigger the drum synth and the bass-line sync," Acito has explained.

"On the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci's death, this is my personal tribute to his genius who in the late 1400s introduced "tamburo meccanico" the first known automated musical instrument," he's written.

It's not the first bit of synth programming using Lego we've seen - check out this Lego Moog Sub Phatty synth, as well as replicas of the legendary Roland TB-303.

Watch the demonstration below.