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What You Wearing

It's all about the threads

What are you wearing right now?
"Pyjama bottoms and a plain Urban Outfitters t-shirt in a Shanghai hotel room. I'm mid Asia-touring and have just worked out that I've been in a different country every day for five days running. This means that comfort clothes are the only way to go."

Favourite designers / labels?

"I can pretty much narrow it down to a label for each thing - Nobody Denim or Nudie for jeans, Nike SB for kicks, Addict for record bags, Gravis for luggage, Modern Amusement for smarter stuff, and anything else I think is cool. For stuff like hoodies and t-shirts I just pick anything that I like the look of. To be honest, I don't really check for 'labels' or designers as much as I just like random stuff."

How do you shop?

"Occasionally I buy stuff online, but I get to travel a lot and always find some time to check out cool stores, so that works out better for me. Plus, have you ever tried buying jeans from the internet? Sounds like a stupid idea to me."

Favourite boutique or store?

"Flight Club in New York for a mind-bogglingly diverse and expensive collection of trainers. Every time I go there I end up getting suckered into buying some massively over-priced 'limited edition' Nikes. I should really stop going."

Most treasured item?

"Nike 'Jedi' Dunks trainers – they're in the Yoda colours! Dark green, mud and lightsaber yellow! I do wear them though – I'm not a big fan of trainer collectors who keep all their shoes in boxes at home – they're made to be worn..."

Style icon?

"My grandad – he gave me his massive red 70s sunglasses, which are amazing. I hope I don't inherit his habit of wearing trousers up to my nipples though."

What are you up to?

"New single 'Playin' Around' with Jungle Brothers just dropping, practising with a classical orchestra to perform a Turntable Concerto, and touring my DVD Scratch Show!"