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Results for: Covid-19 pandemic

"Irish venues, nightclubs and music events are being disregarded," Sharpe says in the letter

Irish DJ Sunil Sharpe has penned an open letter to senior Irish politicians about what he describes as a neglect of the events industry.


The discussion, which involved a number of philosophers, took place on BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze

The return of clubs and nightlife to the UK following last month's so-called 'Freedom Day' was the subject of a recent discussion on BBC Radio...

The NTIA has said that vaccine passports will create "more barriers to businesses, and potential conflict between staff and customers"

The Nighttime Industries Association (NTIA) has said that vaccine passports for UK clubs is an “unworkable” option, in a new statement from CEO Michael Kill.


The club is asking for £5 donations to keep its doors open

Corsica Studios has launched a fundraising competition.

Previously serving as a karate dojo, dry cleaners and gambling den, beloved South London nightclub, Corsica Studios, is...

The government shared details of the fund last week (11th July)

The Scottish government has announced a £2.2 million package to support small venues amid the coronavirus pandemic.

On Friday 11th July during the First Minister's...

Rules are being ramped-up across Europe as continental cases continue to surge

Germany, Portugal and Northern Ireland are among the countries announcing new COVID-19 restrictions in the face of rising cases and the threat posed by the...

Green Valley in Brazil experienced a double disaster last year. First came the COVID-19 pandemic, then the venue itself was destroyed in June by a...

At the start of 2020, everything was looking great for Green Valley. The Brazilian venue, which is more like a festival experience, had been voted...

Due to the global disruption caused by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, nightclubs and live music venues worldwide are being closed. Many are under threat of...

Position: 3
Movement:   1

The UK government announced the new restrictions yesterday (22nd September)

The Music Venue Trust (MVT) has responded to the UK government's new coronavirus restrictions, calling for a furlough extension and continued support for grassroots music...

The service will return to the Victoria and Central lines initially

London's Night Tube service is to make a partial return from November.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan today (14th October) revealed that the weekend service...

The Night Time Industries Association also revealed the value of the UK’s night-time cultural economy

86,000 jobs have been lost in the nightlife sector due to COVID-19.

As revealed in a new report by the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA)...

"We are very happy to receive this news, but we will wait for the conditions and rules before we will communicate about the organization of...

Tomorrowland's organisers are feeling "very positive" about the their 2021 real world events following the Belgian government's announcement that large scale, outdoor festivals can restart...

Vinyl sales in the first quarter of 2021 are up 16.1% from last year

With UK vinyl sales having gone up last year by 11.5%, new data suggests that upward trend is to continue through this year.

Sales of...


The first event will be streamed live from The Freemasons Hall

A free music conference aimed at women and non-binary people is scheduled to take place next month.

Boudica, a platform from DJ/producer Samantha Togni, that aims...