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Results for: Musical Theatre

DJs to cycle 500km from London to Amsterdam for music charity

Organised by Bridges For Music, funds raised will be directed towards providing humanitarian aid to Ukrainian refugees

Music charity Bridges For Music is staging the sixth edition of its annual charity Amsterdam Dance Event cycle this October. The cycle from London to...

We premiere the Berliners latest, 'Music Is Therapy', over a quick chinwag...

DJ T. has a wealth of experience in electronic music as both a journalist (he used to edit Groove Magazine between 1989 and 2004) and...

"The whole industry, live music, is in complete dire straights"

SHERELLE has spoken out about the UK government's stance on the arts sector amid COVID-19.

The London-based DJ and winner of the DJ Mag Best...


Point Blank’s connection with IMS Ibiza runs deep: you may have caught their recent video following the 2018 Accelerator winner and Point Blank student Ambian...

Producer talks virtual reality after release of new game...

Off the back of releasing his new virtual reality game (produced by Absolut Labs), Deadmau5 has declared VR to be the next big step for...

From 25th - 29th July, Vancouver's CURRENT: Feminist Electronic Art Symposium will present a huge range of female and non-binary talent ranging from ferocious techno...

Vancouver’s CURRENT: Feminist Electronic Art Symposium has a simple motto – “Dream of a New Future”. Fundamentally, this five day event has been curated with...

Eddy Cue claims the future is bright for Spatial Audio, not lossless

The Head of Apple Music, Eddy Cue, has said he “can’t tell” the difference between lossless and compressed audio in blind tests with the Apple...

“Realistically we’re talking fall 2021 at the earliest”

Large gatherings like concerts and festivals are unlikely to return to normal until autumn 2021, at the earliest, according to bioethicist and professor of healthcare...

It was initially due to open in April

A programmed exhibition about the history of electronic music is opening at London’s Design Museum on 31st July as art spaces begin to reopen.


Avicii’s death last year shocked the dance community and laid bare the serious problems surrounding mental health in the music industry. Now, his father Klas has set up...

A year after the death of Avicii, and his suicide continues to stand as a symbol for the failings of the electronic music industry to...

Music for Dementia and the National Academy for Social Prescribing are supporting four specialist centres for music therapy

Music can help reduce the symptoms of depression in people with dementia, according to two studies that have now spurred on the charity Music for...

He will is billed to perform at Coachella 2020

Calvin Harris has teased new material could be on the way in a "couple of weeks".

In a twitter thread, a fan asked Harris if...

The current scheme comes to an end on October 31st 2020

A new petition is calling for the UK government to continue to help the live music industry during the coronavirus pandemic.

With the government's Job...


Music’s power to seduce the minds of young people is well documented. Since Rock n Roll’s halcyon days in the 1950s and 1960s it is...

DJ Mag discovers how the African heritage and DIY attitude of North Brazil’s Salvador is attracting an international crowd looking for a scene all of...

It’s no secret that we love Brazil here at DJ Mag. From raves in Rio to sundown sets in Sao Paulo, there are few places...