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Results for: Gnod

Korg unleash the KAOSS DJ controller beast on an unsuspecting public...

Korg is a name best known for producing some of the best synthesisers that have ever been made. Almost every producer who grew up in...

London’s Point Blank Music Learning Facility is setting up shop in LA...

Point Blank is about to open a new chapter in Los Angeles. DJ Mag touched base with founder Rob Cowan and new business partner and...

Bondax have enjoyed a swift rush to fame with their melodic, poppy garage house tracks, and it seems they're set to top the charts and...

The phone line is awash with chicken bravado. “We like to do a bit of cheffing when we’re on tour,” brags Adam Kaye one half...

The fourth annual Electric Forest in Rothbury, Michigan, was a carnivalesque paradise...

It’s difficult to sum up Electric Forest, an overwhelmingly wonderful experience, as the festival covers so much ground, both literally and figuratively. How do you...

LA's rocking Body High, Jerome LOL and Samo Sound Boy have teamed-up as DJ Dodger Stadium to kick out the label's first long-player, 'Friend of...

It starts with a whisper rather than a bang. A psychedelic symphony, the music slowly seeps in, filling the void before the first lines move...

Joint heads of LA's rocking Body High, Jerome LOL and Samo Sound Boy have teamed-up as DJ Dodger Stadium to kick out the label's first...

It starts with a whisper rather than a bang. A psychedelic symphony, the music slowly seeps in, filling the void before the first lines move...

Chris Finke has switched up his style to become Bodyjack...

Chris was a resident at techno temple Atomic Jam for over a decade. Now he's switched up his style and become Bodyjack, inspired by his...

We hit their studios to find out how they craft their hugely successful tracks...

Rudimental have managed to blur the lines between dance music and pop whilst still remaining credible. A killer debut album and a wealth of stellar...

Thievery Corporation return with ‘Saudade,’ an ode to music's ability to wring beauty from sadness...

Thievery Corporation resides on opposite sides of the North American continent. The duo’s Eric Hilton remains in its original home of Washington DC while the...

Exclusive studio access

How have you developed as an artist during your production and DJing career?
“That’s a tough question right away from the start, how have I...

Danny Howells isn't your typical DJ.

"For fuck's sake, hang on a sec, I'm scanning stuff, some Visa crap. My old agent used to do it but my new agent won't...

Red Bull Music Accademy

DJ Mag was fortunate to sit in on this year's Red Bull Music Academy (RBMA) over in New York where we got to mix it up in their state-of-the-art studio and share some quality time with some of the participants, lecturers and fellow music-lovers who happened to drop in over the month-long extravaganza.

Road tested by CLR's DJ Rebekah

When the likes of Richie Hawtin and Chris Liebing start singing your praises you know that you’re doing something right. Techno star Rebekah is part of Berlin’s CLR gang and has been wooing crowds with her amazing DJ sets and uber cool productions.

Retro futurist house master

Ever cooked Kerri Chandler a fish dinner? Us neither, but Citizen — AKA retro-futurist house producer Laurence Blake — has, and if his culinary skills are anything like his tunes, Chandler would have been in for a treat...

Hyperdub has a penchant for breaking the next big thing

Mancunian prodigy Walton, whose heavy-as-lead debut album, 'Beyond', could be the blueprint for British dance music’s latest evolution.