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Man says learning to DJ “awakened his brain” after serious injury

David Wilson, who is also a drum & bass MC, says he can now learn songs "word for word", describing it as his "superpower"

David Wilson, a 38-year-old man from Basingstoke has said that learning to DJ has "significantly" contributed to his recovery after experiencing a brain injury following...

Close-up shot of person DJing

Acts spend more than they make from streams, sales, sync and other music revenue streams combined

New research has found that 75% of artists make a loss when they release music. PIRATE.COM, a global music studio that hosts 350,000 artists worldwide...


The rats bobbed their heads to the beat of Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' and other songs

Rats can dance, and are most in sync with rhythms at 120-140 BPM, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Tokyo fitted...

The study also found that video streams has risen by 10%

More people are listening to new music during the coronavirus pandemic, a new study has found.

The study, which started on March 25th and looked...

The study surveyed 2,000 workers

A study has found that listening to music at work boosts productivity. 

During the study, 2,000 workers were asked to completed a 600-word transcribing task...

Released by Music For All, the results point to numerous mental and physical benefits to making music...

Research collated by Music For All highlights numerous physical and mental health benefits to making and playing music.

Released ahead Learn To Play Day 2019...

Music is the answer...

Music can help reduce anxiety and stress levels by up to 65%, a new study shows.

According to a study from Dr. David Lewis-Hodgson of...