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DJ Mag Top100 Clubs

A serial high flyer in this poll, The Guvernment served as one power we didn't have to fight. Once even landing 8th in this poll (2008). However on 1st May 2014, only a month after the club featured at 38th position in these pages, Ink Entertainment, the club's parent company, announced the closure of their spellbinding auditorium inside the Koolhaus entertainment complex in January 2015.

What followed were a string of epic farewell parties which culminated in a final event with Deadmau5 on 25th January, rounded off emotionally with one last play of 'I Feel Love', dropped tearfully by owner Charles Khabouth and resident DJ Mark Oliver, to rapturous applause. Over the years, despite the implications of its misspelt name, The Guvernment permitted the sort of revelry most authorities look to ban.

Immense sound and mind-blowing light shows of ginormous scale, everyone from Steve Aoki through to Sasha played here during its 18-year lifetime. Therefore to hear that the complex has been sold so a “commercial-residential community” can be built is a particular sting in the tail. This is one “guvernment” that will be sorely missed.