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Brian Coney
15 May 2024, 14:26

Verraco announces new Timedance EP, ‘Breathe… Godspeed’

Timedance says the four-track release explores "the intersection between sacred and the erotic"


Verraco has announced details of a new EP on Timedance.

The Medellín, Colombia producer, DJ and TraTraTrax co-founder will release 'Breathe... Godspeed' on Batu's Bristol imprint on 31st May. The news comes eight months on from the release of his 'Escándaloo' EP via Blawan and Pariah’s VOAM label, the title track from which was one of DJ Mag's favourites of the year. 

In a press release, Timedance wrote: "Exploring the intersection between sacred and the erotic, this four-track EP is propelled by visceral sound design, dipping into a variety of styles and paces."

Pre-order it here and stream 'Godspeed' below.

Last month, TraTraTrax launched a new sub-label called Ambie—Tón with an EP from Ezmeralda, describing the new imprint as as "our brave new venture into the heart of the haze".

From 2022, revisit Verraco's collaboration with Montevideo's Lila Tirando a Violeta.