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Vin Diesel wants to become an EDM star

Hollywood star has been in the studio with Steve Aoki...

Hollywood star Vin Diesel is targeting a new career as an EDM star, it has been revealed in an interview with Los Angeles Times.

Vin Diesel confirmed during the interview that he had been working with Dim Mak studio's founder Steve Aoki on an unnamed electronic music track.

“What Vin brought to the table, I’ve never experienced before. I think it’s going to blow people’s minds,” explained Aoki via Facetime during the interview.

The idea of Vin Diesel becoming an EDM star isn't that far fetched though, granted he doesn't really have any experience in the music world, but that hasn't stopped a lot of other celebrities breaking into the world of EDM.

In 2002, Diesel founded his own computer game studio and had quite a bit of success with first person shooter Chronicle's of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, which was both a critical and commercial sucess. 

So could he find similar success in the world of EDM and DJ'ing? Well, only Aoki and Diesel's immediate family have heard their "mind-blowing track," and apparently his wife cried when she heard the track in question, which means one of two things: it's really good and full of feels, or really bad.

And Vin's opinion on the track? “I’m gonna get a Grammy before I get an Oscar,” the Hollywood star bullishly declared.