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Cheeky Bubblers incoming...

Kenny mix it? Yes he can!

Born and bred in Leeds, British producer and DJ Billy Kenny has been kicking up a storm...

Is this the end of the road?

Pre-2014, Malaysia was one of the hottest places in South East Asia for music events. Boasting a culturally diverse nation with a very healthy and...

In October 2013 London’s best-known record shop, Phonica has turned 10.

Opening a vinyl-only store in Soho just over 10 years ago was seen as a risky move. The area was, and still is, saturated with...

The past 12 months have seen Miguel Campbell’s stock shoot through the roof.

A well-received Radio 1 Essential Mix, 2011’s best-selling track on Beatport and a globe-spanning schedule of non-stop bookings, not to mention a coveted DJ Mag Best Of British award — it’s easy to see why Miguel Campbell is beaming.

DJ Mag delves into the history of dance culture’s Woodstock...

In 1992 there was a festival in the UK that changed the course of dance music history. A culmination of the acid house explosion, it...

It's been 10 years since seminal club The End closed its doors for the last time. We speak to the family members, close team, and...

“If there’s one thing to learn from rave, it’s this: you can do anything, if you do it together.” – Sheryl Garratt, Sweet Harmony –...

Ibiza Past is the Instagram account we all need in 2020

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s never take things for granted. While many murmurs rumbled on in recent times around how Ibiza has lost...

As a show of solidarity to support the artists and labels impacted through the global pandemic, we are launching a weekly roundup of the most...

The global pandemic of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has had a devastating impact on our scene, leading to the cancellation of countless club nights and...

A longstanding DJ, curator and booking agent, Lerato Khati AKA Lakuti has been an essential figure of the global underground for over two decades now. We...

A longstanding DJ, curator and booking agent, Lerato Khati AKA Lakuti has been an essential figure of the global underground for over two decades now...

Artificial intelligence is at the heart of a fundamental shift in music’s role in our lives, and for electronic music, the transition will be seismic...

For most people, artificial intelligence brings to mind a futuristic, sci-fi scenario of autonomous robots or machines capable of making their own decisions, and more...

Nearly a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, radio has become an integral part of daily life at home. It has allowed established DJs a new...

Start LocalThe best place for an aspiring host to start is on a local community radio station. Baile Beyai is one of the co-founders of...

One of the Internet’s most talked-about acronyms — which stands for non-fungible token — is redefining digital ownership. But could NFTs really revolutionise the music...

Most people’s first experience with NFTs most likely happened within the past few months. It was also, most likely, met with confusion. As GIFs of...

Get To Know: Heléna Star

Get acquainted with Heléna Star, the London DJ and broadcaster with a passion for music that moves your feet and nourishes your soul

Heléna Thomson, AKA Heléna Star, is a true selector, with a passion for music that comes from the heart and nourishes the soul. It was...

After an 18-month live music hiatus, smaller organisations have suffered more than most. Recognising the vital role that global brands working in music culture play...

Ballantine’s True Music Fund is designed to support organisations who are actively working to improve diversity and inclusivity, and pushing towards equality in global music...

Starting life as a way of supporting the artists and labels impacted through the coronavirus pandemic, as well as releases supporting other causes and initiatives...

The pandemic of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has had a devastating impact on our scene, leading to the cancellation of countless club nights and festivals...