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Results for: Music Venue Trust

A shot from AUDRA festival in Kaunas featuring Caterina Barbieri's synth performance in a tower-like hall

From AUDRA festival in Kaunas, Lithuania, Martin Guttridge-Hewitt reports on a long-standing, tight-knit and thriving electronic music scene often overlooked by outsiders

Pergalė is a sprawling industrial complex in a forgotten corner of central Kaunas, Lithuania’s modest-sized second city. A gated entrance obscures interior yards from view...

A photo of the pool and crowd at Defected's Malta festival with an image of someone in a Defected t shirt taking a photo

After hugely successful residencies in Ibiza, a festival in Croatia, and regular tours around the world, Defected’s latest festival destination is in Malta. Ria Hylton heads to the island to take in the inaugural event

“This festival is right up your stream,” someone purrs down the phone in a voice note to a friend. It’s the third and final day...

Collage of various images from panels and parties at ADE 2023

Amsterdam Dance Event returned earlier this month, with the world’s biggest electronic music conference delivering its usual, unrelenting whirlwind of parties, panels and so much more. Here’s a handful of highlights from DJ Mag’s week at ADE 2023

DJ Mag’s involvement with the ADE Lab — the conference’s four-day tech-focused programme that takes place in and around the Flemish Cultural Center de Brakke...

The Music Venue Trust has launched the campaign to protect venues facing closure

The UK’s Music Venue Trust has launched the #saveourvenues campaign to raise funds and highlight the challenges faced by small music venues and clubs amid...

Windrush ship

Some of the most important DJs in the development of the UK scene are children of the Windrush generation. DJ Mag's editor-in-chief, Carl Loben, speaks to Black and mixed-race foundation DJs about their parents, racism, culture, and being pioneers in our beloved scene

This feature was originally published in 2018, at the height of the Windrush scandal, and on the 70th anniversary of the Windrush ship's arrival in...

The campaign launched last week

The UK’s Music Venue Trust’s #saveourvenues campaign has already received over £1 million in donations since launching last week. 

The campaign was launched with the...

The support package comes in light of music industry campaigning

The UK government have announced a £1.57billion support package for the arts and culture industries.

Following various campaigns by the likes of Music Venues Trust...

The London venue faces closure during the coronavirus lockdown

The Jazz Cafe in London has launched a crowdfunding campaign to save the space from permanent closure.

The Camden venue, which marks its 30th anniversary...

The mau5 to spin February 15 at the Ice Palace in Miami

Deadmau5 doesn’t mind flying commercial. He’s in the DJ racket for the love, not the perks. Or at least his latest Tweets would have us...

Small venues, clubs and record stores will benefit from the measures

In the midst of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the Scottish Government has announced a £320 million rescue package for small businesses, including small...

The petition currently has over 62,000 signatures

There’s a new petition calling for the UK Government to extend support for the nightlife industry amid the coronavirus pandemic.

The petition, launched by Jasper...

Plan B proposals were ratified with 369 votes for and 126 against

Members of Parliament have voted in favour of introducing Covid passes for entry to nightclubs in England. This means using the NHS Covid app to...

UK energy crisis poses “grave risk” to clubs and nightlife industry, open letter to government declares

"After two incredibly difficult years where venues have had to fight for simple survival, it would be an extraordinary outcome to see them closed and permanently lost because of an energy market that is completely out of control and not fit for purpose"

The UK's nightlife and hospitality industries are urging the government to act in the face of rising energy costs and the "grave risk" to the...

The organisation believes PCR tests offer an appropriate level of safety in the current climate

Berlin's dancing ban is being contested by the city's Clubcommission, which is calling for the policy to be revoked and replaced with mandatory PCR testing...