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Results for: Game

Wellies at the ready, it’s time for a festival (or three)! The summer has returned, or at least as much as it ever does in...


WHILE his penchant for dropping the odd cheesy banger has divided fans online, Denis Sulta is unarguably a top DJ...

After the UK Government delayed the easing of lockdown earlier this month, many clubs were left in financial ruin. Even ahead of the new proposed...

Last week (14th June), Boris Johnson announced that there will be a four-week delay of lockdown easing, with the initial date for the relaxation of...

How can we make clubbing better for disabled people? When events return in 2021, clubs need to be more accessible for disabled guests and performers...

Dance music has never appeared to be more accessible. Despite clubs being closed for over a year, new crews and initiatives are constantly popping up...

Ireland’s venues and event promoters have struggled under archaic legislation for years, but thanks to the work of the Give Us The Night campaign, it...

Clubbing in Ireland has been in crisis since long before the pandemic shuttered the island’s nightclubs last March. Over the past five years, developers have...

Some high-profile DJs have been criticised for playing big, crowded legal shows — dubbed ‘Plague Raves’ — in Europe during the COVID-19 crisis. Some have...

As society has been tentatively emerging from various forms of COVID-19 lockdown over the last few months, each of us has been faced with a...

DJ also attacks failed drug policing...

Howie B has condemned the Police for their handling of fabric, both in the current case involving the deaths of two 18-year-olds from drug overdose...

Paranoid London’s acid reign

Acid duo Paranoid London new album boasts a beefier sound than ever, and a host of new collaborators. Here, Joe Roberts meets them and learns how a chance meeting, faster tempos and the politics of the moment have shaped their new approach

It’s a dark, wintery evening in far North London and Paranoid London are in full flow at DRUMSHEDS, London’s latest super-venue. Opened on a former...

Through her radio shows, DJ sets, parties and records, Colleen ‘Cosmo’ Murphy has encouraged dancers and listeners to enjoy the details and synchronicities of music. DJ Mag’s Anna Wall meets...

It’s a humid summer day in London. The streets of De Beauvoir in Hackney appear quiet, but from a distance, the 1960s-built Rose Lipman Building...

DVS1 is one of techno’s most well-respected DJs. He’s paid his dues, spent a couple of decades getting to where he is today, and it’s...

“I just did the closing in Berghain,” Zak Khutoretsky says. “Played a little over 11 hours, got a little rest, and now I’m here with...