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Brian Coney
14 June 2024, 12:31

Franky Wah robbed in Ibiza, including “all my music”, offers reward for return

"It's got so many irreplaceable items in there. All my music, my laptop, everything," said the Yorkshire artist


DJ and producer Franky Wah is offering a reward after a robbery in Ibiza resulted in the loss of all his music and more.

On June 12th, the Yorkshire artist shared a video on Instagram revealing that his car was broken into while he was dining at a restaurant in the Jesús area of the island. The thieves stole all his bags and laptop, which contained years' worth of unfinished music, and other irreplaceable items.

"Everything's been taken," he said in the video. "It's got so many irreplaceable items in there. All my music, my laptop, everything. There's a reward for anyone that can give me any information about who it might be and where that might be."

On 13th June 13th, he posted an update on the search: "None of the items have been recovered as of yet, but we now have a good idea where they are. There’s a reward for the return of these items, and you can contact me in confidence that this will go no further. I just want my life’s work back."

"Of course, I have a lot of my music backed up, but there are also lots of projects and ideas that aren’t. Hours, weeks, months, years of work which I’ll have to work relentlessly now to recover in time for my shows this weekend. Thanks again to everyone that has reached out and tried to help, really appreciate it."

In his original post, Franky Wah emphasised the importance of the local community's help on the White Isle, saying, "It's a small island, there's a good chance of getting this back in Ibiza. Share this. Let's make this viral."

If you have any information that could assist in this matter, please reach out to Franky Wah directly via Instagram. 

Check out Franky Wah's two Instagram posts on the robbery for more details and spread the word to support his search.

Revisit his set from DJ Mag HQ here.