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Christian Eede
11 June 2024, 12:50

Tim Exile, Endlesss app creator and electronic musician, fundraiser launched amid cancer recovery

The musician has been unable to work for several months while recovering from surgery to treat bladder cancer

Tim Exile

A GoFundMe has been launched in support of Tim Exile, electronic musician and creator of the Endlesss music software app, and his family as he recovers from cancer treatment.

Born Timothy Charles Shaw, Exile – whose music has been released via labels including Warp, Moving Shadow and Planet Mu –  was diagnosed with an aggressive form of bladder cancer in July of 2023, shortly after the birth of his twin daughters. Having undergone multiple initial surgeries to remove tumours, the musician underwent major surgery in April to remove his bladder, prostate and a section of his bowel .

Recovery from this major surgery will take six months, and has left Shaw unable to work. Plans had been in place to sell Endlesss, the popular collaborative music software app he designed and ran, but fell through shortly after his operation, meaning the company had to be placed into liquidation.

A note on the GoFundMe page reads: "Tim dedicated seven years of his life and all his wealth to building Endlesss, serving a community which derived a huge amount of joy and connection from the platform. The collapse of the business has left him with no savings and no income, as well as many thousands of pounds in debts, which will take him years to pay off."

The message continues: "Tim is making progress but his recovery will take time. He’s getting used to a body that functions very differently and he recently had to be readmitted to hospital with complications from the surgery. This has all taken a big toll on his strength. Tim and his family need to meet their living costs while he recovers. Once his strength is back, the hard work to rebuild their life begins."

At the time of writing, the GoFundMe for Shaw has raised over £65,000, exceeding its £40,000 goal. However, donations are still being accepted so that members of the Endlesss team, who have worked for months without pay, can be remunerated. 

An update on the donation page reads: "A lot has been happening behind the scenes in the last few months and the Endlesss team have been exceptionally generous with their time and belief in Tim and the project. This has been a huge sacrifice for everyone.

"Now we’re past the target, Tim wants to start helping out the Endlesss team who have continued to work without pay through the difficult last few months so please know that all further donations will continue to go to a good cause and keep restoring all our faith in the goodness of the world!"

You can support the GoFundMe campaign with a donation here.