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Results for: Big Tunes

Inside the UK Afro house renaissance

The Afro house sound is an ever-growing presence in UK dance music, with new labels, club-nights and a dedicated radio station springing up. Alongside a mix from Mr Silk, Ria Hylton explores the sound’s history, and speaks to some of the scene’s key players about forging strong connections with their growing audiences, and their aim to nurture a unique UK Afro house identity

Afro house is steeped in the percussive materials of South Africa’s townships. For decades, its polyrhythms played out on traditional African instruments — bongos, congas...

Bristol beat-maker Boca 45's new album is dedicated to his love of funk and soul. DJ Mag finds out how collaboration shapes his sound

“The tent was rammed halfway through my set - they wouldn’t let anybody in, so I must have done something right,” beams funk aficionado Boca 45, a few...

Don’t mind if we do...

And so the smiles begin, as soon as we touchdown and step out onto that notorious Balearic soil (well concrete actually, because no-one really steps...

We share a minute with a rare deep house talent

Over the last few years he has imbued his own music with a very unique voice. Slightly grainy and tortured sounding, the Toronto based producer has been on a mission to shake things up and get away from diva cries of “Detroit” or “one love” and instead concerns himself with more cerebral subject matters.

Intacto label co-founder and Amsterdam techno stalwart Shinedoe steps up with a incendiary hour of propulsive grooves and swerving soundscapes. We catch up with her...

Since 2004, Amsterdam’s Shinedoe has been at the forefront of the city’s techno scene and beyond, both as co-founder of the Intacto label with 2000...

In an exclusive adaptation from his new book on the ever-so-slightly eccentric Godfather Of Funk, KRIS NEEDS looks at George Clinton's influence on the electronic...

George Clinton stands alongside James Brown, Jimi Hendrix and Sly Stone as among the most visionary and influential black music pioneers to emerge from the...

His undying love for garage kept it alive during leaner times, and as his recent 24-hour set for Cancer Research on Boiler Room showed, his...

Dressed in black t-shirt and cap, garage don DJ EZ stands in stark contrast to the bright white walls of the south-east London studio that...

Manni Dee channels the industrial techno experimentalism of his new Perc Trax LP in his high-octane On Cue mix, and speaks to Niamh O’Connor about...

Durban’s DJ Lag is a pioneer of the world-conquering South African dance music genre, gqom. He’s toured the world and worked with superstars, but he’s...

In 2017, during his 21st rotation around the sun, DJ Lag was experiencing a moment that every artist dreams of but few ever reach. Gqom...

Wild Rumpus is just that: an insanely fun, out-of-control party on wax...

The brainchild of DJ Cosmo (Colleen Murphy) the Boston-born, New York raised, London dwelling disco / house music legend, and infamous leftfield guitarist Gary Lucas, who's played with Captain Beefheart, Lou Reed and Jeff Buckley, they make the kind of funky psychedelic rhythms that can only emanate from maverick minds. First single 'Musical Blaze Up' traverses the dub country route, while new cut 'Purple Somersault' is a bizarre and brilliant collision between cranked Kraut-rock drums, wigged surf guitar and scratchy funk. DJmag beckoned Murphy away from her surf board for a minute to talk names, grooves, and grand plans…

So why the name Wild Rumpus?!

"It's from a children's book called 'Where the Wild Things Are' by Maurice Sendak which I loved as a kid and which I read to my daughter. There is a great part of the story where the little boy and his monster friends are about to have a manic dance party underneath a full moon and it says, 'And now let the wild rumpus start'. It just had to be used."

It seems to be quite an unusual hook up, between you Cosmo, and Gary Lucas. How did you come to be working together?

"Gary and I have been friends for nearly 20 years and have talked about working together for ages. I used to do a few different radio shows on WNYU in NYC and had him up when he was relaunching his solo career in the late '80s. As most people in the UK know me for being a 'dance' DJ, many may think it is quite an unusual collaboration. However, most people don't know that I was first and foremost a rock chick and founded the first psychedelic / progressive rock show on my radio station and I was a huge Captain Beefheart fan before house music even existed!"

You seem to have a diverse taste - one minute dubbed out beats and rhymes, the next Krautrock surf music... Is there a grand Wild Rumpus plan?

"Wild Rumpus is about fusing different styles but in a way that works. It's also about having fun and being irreverent. And finally it's about being different. I spend a few hours at the record store and find that 99% of the music to which I am subjected to is derivative. It's so boring. Gary and I both have musically diverse backgrounds and we are able to use our musical heritage in a unique way. This is all music we love!"

What's a 'Purple Somersault'?

"It's a 'term' my daughter came up with. Her favourite colour is purple and 'purple' has also become an adjective that means something that is 'the best'. She likes being flipped upside down and would ask us to help her do an orange somersault, a black somersault (very sinister), a yellow somersault (happy!), etc. But the best was always the 'Purple Somersault'. Also, as this is a surf tune, the somersault refers to the somersaults one does underwater after a wipe-out."

Is there an album in the works? What can we expect?

"There is an album in the works. We have a lot of Gary's guitar tracks that we have recorded and now it's up to me to put it all together so I have quite a job in front of me. Gary is the most original guitarist and can do anything. When we're in the studio it's just so easy but the problem comes with the editing and arranging as sometimes there is almost too much! All I can say about the album is that it will be diverse but always psychedelic and soulful."

What's next for Wild Rumpus?

"Right now we're getting our live show, The Wild Rumpus Experience, together for the summer. We have performed in some wild places including India and are hoping to for some of the UK festivals. We work with visual artist Rob Rainbow who works with The Light Surgeons and Nitin Sawhney amongst others and have also worked with percussionists and a poi fire dancer! We have a show that reaches people on many dimensions so the visual element is really important. We just want to do something that is a bit different."

Close-up shot of Channel Tres wearing a blue shirt

The California-raised producer Channel Tres is a natural born trailblazer. As the name behind Compton House, he’s found admirers for his self-coined genre within funk, hip-hop and pop audiences. In his forthcoming album ‘Head Rush’, he’s expanding upon that diverse aesthetic by tapping into his divine intuition to tell his life story and introduce the world to new depths of his musicality

Successful artists often point to intuition as their guiding force. But developing a positive relationship with an inner dialogue is something that takes practice, patience...

We met him in London to talk about his dance epiphany, the importance of staying true to your vision, and giving his fans what they...

“Everything I do, I see myself as a bit of an outsider, I'm not strictly within the dance music world, I'm not strictly within the...

We meet the Indian DJ causing a riot...

The fortunes of Niles Hollowell-Dhar, aka KSHMR (pronounced ‘Kashmir’), have skyrocketed since he adopted his chosen moniker, with a nod to his Indian heritage. The...

Since the international rise of acts like Black Coffee and Culoe De Song, the spotlight is shining once again in the direction of the South...

A nation defined by its innate love of house music, the Rainbow Nation is going through a renaissance which has helped spur GQOM OH! —...

Denver-based Illenium is the bass music star that sells out stadiums, but before he made music, he struggled with addiction. Around the release of his...

“The albums are a trilogy,” says Illenium. “That was my idea, which makes me wonder what I’m going to do next, but I’m not worrying...