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Results for: Brooks

New book on Saint Etienne tells band’s story and explores the nature of memory

Journalist Ramzy Alwakeel's upcoming book features new interviews with band members Bob Stanley, Pete Wiggs and Sarah Cracknell

A new book examines Saint Etienne's history and the way the UK band played with the concept of memory. How We Used Saint Etienne to...

New book explores raving as a radical queer and trans practice in late capitalism

Author and scholar McKenzie Wark's new book, out in March 2023, asks, "What is an art of life for what feels like the end of a world?"

A new book dives into New York's queer and trans rave scene during late-stage capitalism. Raving, by New York-based Australian author and scholar McKenzie Wark...

Jungle drum & bass book All Crews to get reissue with accompanying audiobook and soundtrack

"Since the scene has survived the rise of streaming, mass venue closures and pandemics, we decided the book deserved an update," author Brian Belle-Fortune said

All Crews: Journeys through Jungle Drum and Bass Culture is getting a third update and reissue, accompanied by an audiobook for the first time. Author...

Gorillaz co-founder Jamie Hewlett to release new art book, Phoo Action: Silver Jubilee

Featuring a "definitive and exhaustive timeline" of the cult show alongside brand new visual work and accompanying novel. 

Gorillaz co-founder Jamie Hewlett is releasing a new art book, based on his TV show, 'Phoo Action'. 'Phoo Action: Silver Jubilee' will arrive in stores...

Including the influence of their famous 'Teachers', the rise of subgenres like blog house, and the eventual split

A new Daft Punk book, 'After Daft', has been announced, exploring the iconic duo's 28-year legacy, and wider cultural impact. 

Vast in scope, fans can...

The book will be available at the end of September

A new book about mental health in the music industry is set to be published.

Titled Can Music Make You Sick?: Measuring the Price of...

This new 96-page book, Beyond Heaven: Chicago House Party Flyers From 1983-1989, documents the rise of Chicago house using classic posters and artwork from the...

There’s a glory to whacking open a thick paperback cover of raised black title design, of a typical hand-drawn skyline and musical quavers, atop a...

Exploring everything from Detroit and Berlin Techno to Israeli psytrance

Rave On: Global Adventures In Electronic Dance Music, a new book written by widely celebrated journalist Matthew Collin, documents the evolution and ever-changing culture of...

Evolution of UK electronic music, ‘from Doctor Who to acid house’, explored in new book

Dream Machines will trace the evolution of electronic music in the UK, from its avant-garde, post-WW2 beginnings to the dance music of today

A new book authored by Matthew Collin will explore the evolution UK electronic music through the 20th century. Dream Machines: Electronic Music in Britain From...

Acid house as it happened

From car park raves to the first acid nights at Future and Shoom

A new photobook capturing the rise of the UK rave scene has been published by IDEA. Compiled by photographer and journalist Dave Swindells, Acid House...

Dirty Dancing is Italian photographer Mattia Zoppellaro's self-described homage to the scene

A new book documenting the European rave scene from 1997 to 2005 is available now.

Dirty Dancing, published via electronic label Klasse Wrecks and Berlin...

London-born Junior Tomlin has designing rave art since the late '80s

What happens to vinyl records when they are disposed of?

A new book titled 'Decomposed: The Political Ecology of Music' will explore music's impact on the environment. 

The book which uncovers "the environmental cost of...

We have four copies to give away

A new book — 100 of the World's Best DJs – celebrates DJ culture around the world. The book features DJs including Larry Levan Masters...

Roland 808

Inspire The Music features 70 interviews with revered artists and Roland designers

Sister Bliss, Richie Hawtin, Orbital and more are to be featured in a new book celebrating 50 years of Roland. Inspire The Music: 50 Years...