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Results for: US Clubs

Putting on parties demands optimism even at the best of times. After an unimaginable 20 months, the limits of hope continue to be tested. Will...

Joshu Doherty has been putting on parties for nearly 15 years, but it’s never been this difficult. “The last five months,” he says, “have been...

Arma, Dalston Superstore, PIP and ZBD are among the crews involved... 

Berlin Club Commission is hosting a European Club Night on the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Wall. 

The momentous and fittingly celebratory event...

Copenhagen club Motopol is shutting down

The community and cultural venue "cannot be permitted for cultural activities" and is being forced to leave its Laplandsgade 6B location by the end of the month

Copenhagen club Motopol will close its doors for good this month. The venue's team announced the forced closure on Instagram last week, 8th February, writing...

It’s not just David Attenborough who’s talking about the eradication of plastic pollution to save our planet. Some festivals are taking the lead by banning...

Workers in the Big Apple are also being encouraged to take weekly tests to help combat the Delta variant's impact

New York clubs will require proof of at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccine for entry from 16th August, with rules set to be enforced...

The money is available to clubs, museums and other private institutions

Berlin’s local government is set to provide €30 million in grants to private institutions throughout the city. 

Clubs and museums are among the institutions set...

Battling cultural stereotypes and lazy genre misnomers, a core set of Mexican artists, based around the NAAFI label and party series, are reshaping the hybrid...

Music is a language, but sometimes the intricacies of a sound can get lost in translation. One night in Berlin in 2018, Wasted Fates was...

Dutch clubs

Venues participating in this weekend's nightlife protest will not be subject to legal action

Dutch clubs can reopen on 12th February without punishment, police unions in the Netherlands have announced. A joint statement released 8th February by law enforcement...

The team behind the recently-closed Griessmuehle are back

A new club has opened in Berlin.

The brainchild of the team behind Griessmuehle, the much-loved Berlin club which closed its doors earlier this...

The fire broke out at the LGBTQ+ venue last weekend...

Berlin nightclub SOUNDS has been "ravaged" by an electrical fire.

Sharing the sad news in a Facebook post, the club's owners announced that the fire...

An order by mayor Bill DeBlasio has been put in place

Clubs and live music venues across New York City have been forced to close as a result of a newly decreed order by mayor Bill...

The club had recently addressed accusations of racial injustice and sexual harassment in a live podcast

Amsterdam's De School has announced permanent closure.

The dutch club, which closed its doors at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, has now released a...

DJ Mag explores the often overlooked Warsaw club scene, discovering everything from techno to weirdo-pop in the process...

Forget what you think you know about Warsaw because the chances are unless you live there or know someone who does, you’ve been getting the...

Thatnks to its succession of on-point daytime events, Printworks in London has been voted to receive the Best Club Series this time around...




A lot has been written about Printworks in these pages since it...

The club’s licence to operate was suspended by Newham Council this week due to a fraud investigation

London club FOLD has been granted permission to reopen.

The east London venue had its licence suspended earlier this week by Newham Council, who cited...