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Results for: electro

Youngsta DJing at HVYWGHT in Brixton

Youngsta is one of dubstep’s foundational figures, an integral force in shaping the genre from its earliest days at iconic club night FWD>>. A specialist through and through, he’s stayed true to the sound throughout its evolution, pushing the original minimalist style that’s now seeing a resurgence in interest. Delivering an On Cue mix of stripped-back dubstep ammunition, he also speaks to Rob McCallum about how the sound came to be, the vital impact of his sister, Sarah, overcoming addiction, and his hopes for the future

It’s early April 2023 at The Hydra’s packed-out FWD>> party at Printworks, just a matter of weeks before the South London club is set to...

NQ x Abbey Road Studios

Through its nurturing of new superstars like Aitch and other young local talent, Manchester’s NQ has become a veritable institution of modern UK rap, helping elevate regional artists across the UK. James Keith meets members of the crew during a recent takeover at the legendary Abbey Road Studios, and heads to NQ’s northern base to discover the secret to its success

NQ is reshaping Manchester’s musical identity one mega-hit at a time. An entertainment company consisting of a record label, management and publishing house based in...

Julia Toppin selects 10 essential documentaries that paint a portrait of 30 years of jungle drum & bass, charting the stories of its origins to...

When compared to other UK dance music genres, the documentary coverage of jungle drum & bass is remarkably thin on the ground, largely limited to...

COVID-19 has rapidly impacted the music industry — leaving thousands out of work. The government dumbfounded many when it was suggested that those from an...

Since the beginning of 2017, every weekend, the metal walkways and staircases of Printworks, the 5,000-capacity venue in London’s Surrey Keys, have vibrated to sounds...

Streaming has come to dominate the music industry, but when it comes to actually earning money from plays, the electronic music community has been somewhat...

Streaming is everywhere. Earlier this year, Spotify announced that it has 217 million users, more than 100 million of which are paid subscribers. They’re followed...

A year-and-a-half after his near-death accident, Paul van Dyk returns to trance stronger than ever, with a new album, new live show, and new perspective afforded to those who have grazed the...

This isn’t your average comeback story. And Paul van Dyk isn’t your average comeback kid. The Grammy-winning German DJ/producer is a legend in his own right, hailed as...

We meet the Italian techno don face-to-face in Barcelona...

Joseph Capriati is the rapidly-rising Italian techno star who's broadened his sound out for Ibiza to inject more groove into it. Leaving behind the Music...

Ralph Lawson's Leeds house music institution 2020 Vision celebrates 20 momentous years...

Leeds house music institution 2020 Vision celebrates 20 momentous years in 2014. Here, label boss Ralph Lawson remembers two decades of one of the UK's...

Three years after its planned release date, Guy Gerber's ‘11:11’ album with Puff Daddy is finally about to arrive...

It's fitting that Guy Gerber's newest label, and accompanying series of parties, is called Rumors. After all, these have abounded since he first revealed that...

We met him in London to talk about his dance epiphany, the importance of staying true to your vision, and giving his fans what they...

“Everything I do, I see myself as a bit of an outsider, I'm not strictly within the dance music world, I'm not strictly within the...

The votes have been counted and the winners in this year’s DJ Mag of British Awards have been announced

This year marked the 13th edition of DJ Mag's Best Of British awards, our annual celebration of UK talent. Positioned as a counter-balance to the...

With mental health and wellbeing one of the principal keynote topics at the International Music Summit (IMS) in Ibiza at the end of this month...

Flying high in the music industry can seem idyllic, but is there a price to pay? Coupled with the perceived glamour is a 24/7 lifestyle...

The dance scene owes much to gay culture...


Earlier this year, Lithuanian producer Ten Walls was riding on a wave of global love with his big-room smasher ‘Walking With Elephants’. Then, in...

Photo of a ravers at a free party in a tunnel

Though arguably most prominent in the ’90s, free parties and illegal raves have never gone away. Despite the increased surveillance from authorities, passionate DJs and sound systems continue to throw events in a similar way that they always have, looking to create a sense of community and an alternative to the commodified dance mainstream. Dave Jenkins heads to a free party, and speaks to some of the illegal rave scene’s advocates about why they keep the fire burning

The quest is timeless. Swapping clues with randoms at services. The heartless pulse of the party-line’s engaged tone. The convoys, intrigue, suspense, rumours. The commitment...

Photo of a large crowd of people protesting against the Criminal Justice Bill

1st May 1994 was the first big London protest against the looming Criminal Justice Bill, the piece of legislation that first proscribed a genre of music — rave music, “wholly or predominantly categorised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats” — in law. Despite widespread demonstrations at what was seen as draconian power-grabs by the UK authorities, the Bill became law later in 1994. Here, Harold Heath looks back at the reaction from the dance music community at the time, and the Act’s lasting impact on the rave scene today

The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act was passed into UK law in November 1994. Infamous for targeting events that played music “wholly or predominantly...