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Results for: Point Blank Courses

Position: 78
Movement:   6

We preview Moogfest's 2016 programme...

DJ Mag USA is incredibly stoked to be attending this year’s edition of Moogfest in Durham, North Carolina! Since 2004, the festival has been a...

The expansive release lands via the duo's original label, Ahead of Our Time

A new Coldcut ambient compilation featuring a host of impressive production names will arrive on 19th November via the iconic duo's Ahead of Our Time...

Best of North America Awards 2017

There’s a reason people stand outside in line during Chicago’s brutal winter months, teeth chattering, waiting to descend the staircase into Smart Bar’s steamy, 400-person...

Pure Groove’s new Soundsystem is designed to give you the horn...

Some people may not get excited by club speakers; after all they are just a stack of black boxes in the corner making a noise...

Drums of Death's time for greatness definitely nigh

Realising that Drums Of Death is not really under a voodoo curse, but actually a good-humoured chap from Scotland, is the grownup equivalent of acknowledging...

Look, you don’t need us to tell you that a warm-up set is a special sort of skill that requires patience, an experienced ear and...

Eastern Electrics, Creamfields, Houghton Festival, Yard: Open Air, Lost Village, Numbers @ EIF... 

The nights might be creeping in but that doesn't mean summer is anywhere near over, as the Top 30 UK events in August 2018 go...

Julia Toppin selects 10 essential documentaries that paint a portrait of 30 years of jungle drum & bass, charting the stories of its origins to...

When compared to other UK dance music genres, the documentary coverage of jungle drum & bass is remarkably thin on the ground, largely limited to...

If anyone is dance music's renaissance man, it's Detroit's Seth Troxler. There's a lot more to Seth than his hedonistic image might suggest, as DJ...

Still bleary-eyed after a night DJing to hundreds who braved freezing January weather to hear him spin on a Wednesday evening in Bristol, Seth Troxler...

Huge music dropped in Saint Martin...

SXM Festival hit the Caribbean island of Saint Martin between Wednesday 15th and Sunday 19th March, for five days of impeccably programmed parties in paradise...

Electronic music industry value rose to $6 billion in 2021, IMS report reveals

Other key findings from the report include a "permanent" shift in expectation around diversity within the industry

The value of the electronic music industry grew to $6 billion in 2021, according to the International Music Summit's annual Business Report. That's up from...

Exclusive wardrobe access!

“I like clean, functional pieces and on stage, I'm a fan of all black. Usually it's an all black long-sleeved Dickies cotton shirt, simple Levis all black 501s and my Jordan 3 all black flips. Off stage, I'm a bit more adventurous with colours; however, really big, bold, bright colours tend not to suit me. My big extravagance is my trainers. I have over 155 pairs, and will normally start an outfit with the footwear choice first.”

Annie Mac, DJ Koze & more.

Lost Village is the latest boutique festival to hit the UK, spearheaded by affable DJ duo and Moda Black frontmen, Jaymo and Andy George. Originally...

Pioneer shows their love for the Traktor community with their latest black pearl, the DJM-T1 controller

Those industrious chaps at Pioneer have clearly been burning the midnight oil and working themselves into a sleep-deprived psychosis, judging by the amount of new...