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Results for: DECISIONS

Alan Walker is only 20, but this EDM DJ/ producer and video gamer already has millions of fans for his YouTube channel and a global...

Alan Walker's story is as remarkable as his name is not. British by birth but based in Norway since he was two, he's still only...

Gideon Berger has co-created something amazing with Glastonbury Festival’s Block9 field, but it’s been somewhat to the detriment of his own DJ career. In recent...

It’s mid-summer 1994, and the first anti-Criminal Justice Bill demonstration in Trafalgar Square. There’s over 50,000 ravers packed into the area around the famous London landmark...

Recognise is DJ Mag's new monthly mix series, introducing artists we love that are bursting onto the global electronic music scene. This month, we speak...

"It's fun to synergise different genres that wouldn't normally be put together," says Textasy, aka Berlin based Dustin Evans. "Coming up with different combinations and...

Get acquainted with Akiko Haruna, the Brighton artist who's searching for connections through filmic sound design, pop and hardcore fusions

Self-releasing your music in 2022: which distributor is right for you?

When starting out in the industry, musicians and producers have what can often seem like an insurmountable number of new skills to learn outside of making music. With seemingly countless distributors offering widely varying features and products, choosing how to get your music on streaming services can be confusing. This guide seeks to demystify one of the most confusing aspects of releasing music

Digital distribution is the process of releasing your music to various digital streaming platforms (DSPs) and services. In the past, distributors would take care of...

Ireland’s venues and event promoters have struggled under archaic legislation for years, but thanks to the work of the Give Us The Night campaign, it...

Clubbing in Ireland has been in crisis since long before the pandemic shuttered the island’s nightclubs last March. Over the past five years, developers have...

Data is the new currency and DJing is about to get rich. The endless stream of data generated from cloud DJing will go on to affect...

It’s the year 2025. You’re having dinner with a friend, and your phone vibrates with a notification — Charlotte De Witte is playing your record...

Daft Punk have taken on a robot form for so long that it's hard to remember a time that they didn't don their famous helmets...

No matter how many times they told it, the story of Daft Punk’s transformation into robots around the time of Discovery’s recording didn’t get any...

Tattooist-turned-rapper TRAPY speaks to Amy Fielding about his favourite Marvel characters, obscure samples, and his reason for anonymity

Framed by white curtains and stood against the red brick tower blocks of the city, West-London born, British-Serbian artist TRAPY looks down from a window...

With the festival phenomenon showing no signs of slowing down, there’s something on offer for everyone in the UK this season...

Massive Attack cancel Georgia concert

"We stand in solidarity with peaceful protesters in Georgia defying state violence"

Massive Attack have cancelled their upcoming gig in Georgia in protest of what they describe as an "attack on basic human rights" by the country's...

Harm minimalisation graphic

The Home Office has confirmed it has issued drug-testing licences to “some of the leading festivals in the UK”

Drug testing will restart at festivals across the UK this summer, after controversial licensing laws saw reduced services in 2023. In a statement published last...

Get To Know: Shaun J. Wright

Get acquainted with Shaun J.Wright, the Chicago-born DJ, dancer, producer and vocalist who lives and breathes house music

We talk collabs, artistic freedom and musical roots...

Jubei is one who has achieved the highest accolade a producer or DJ could ever wish to be blessed with; the total and unadulterated respect...