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Results for: Tracks

From: Angola and Belgium

For fans of: Deena Abdelwahed, Fatima Al Qadari, Loraine James

Three tunes: ‘Arms Deal’, ‘Airstrike’, ‘Ceasefire’

“In my high school class, I was the only person that was openly against the regime,” says Nazar. His family fled Angola for Belgium before he was born...

Iceland’s Bjarki is so obsessed with making music, he’s forced himself to stop for a little while. Ahead of his new album ‘Happy Earthday’ which...

Bjarki sighs deeply. “I had to try and escape.” Years of writing 10 tracks a day has taken its toll, and he’s finally reached breaking...

D&B community mourns the departure of one of its innovators...

Jungle/drum & bass producer Tango, aka Jamie Giltrap, has died suddenly, it has been reported. 

Tango produced a string of hardcore, jungle and drum &...

Here’s what the Hull-born selector has been dropping at Jamie Jones’ shindig this year...

wAFF has cemented his place as a key resident of Jamie Jones’ Paradise party this year, spinning through summer at DC10.

Below, he’s rounded up...

With Miller Genuine Draft

Each year, as part of the Miller SoundClash DJ competition, we give one DJ Mag reader the chance to fly to Las Vegas and compete...

Position: 43
Movement:   27

Here's everything you need to know about the Japanese superstar DJ...



If there’s one thing Japanese DJ Hito knows — it’s Sake. It was her...

Andy Cato and Tom Findlay's mix is out 20th May...

Seminal UK house duo Groove Armada are the latest artists to mix super successful compilation series, FABRICLIVE. 

The long-running mix series of the much-loved UK...

We catch up with the Canadian DJ ahead of her Miller SoundClash DJ Mag Live Stream

FeelGoodSmalls has been super-busy since returning from Las Vegas last summer. The Miller SoundClash 2015 finalist has relocated to London and is set to play...

David Sidley, the now solo act known as Whyt Noyz storming the techno nation recalls his first big gig...

“This gig was one that both Duncan [Murray] and I did together when WHYT NOYZ was once a duo and it is a feeling we...

Position: 5
Non Mover

Sven Väth has us raving about love, music and a pair of newlyweds!

Cocoon begins and ends with love; a reflection of the White Isle herself. We find ourselves surrounded by it. It beams down from the rafters...

With Miller Genuine Draft 

Over the next few weeks we’ll be profiling the Miller SoundClash finalists; getting to know the DJs who will be flying to Las Vegas...

Switzerland-based Mina Records head honcho Masaya drops five of her Studio Essentials...

Mar were born robbie says attractive roles are like absolutely no playing styles up not at all

S he is 's the problem of the...

Guess who's back.... no, not Slim Shady! We're talking about Marshall Jefferson — one of the few souls left in this world legitimately entrusted with...

Not that he went away, especially — it's not like he's ever stopped DJing and, like any other year, he played loads during 2014 (although...