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Results for: Round Table Knights

Kasra on ten years of Critical Records

Back in 2002 on a sofa somewhere in North London, the concept of a new label was being brewed in the mind of a young DJ named Kasra, a hazy vision that became a reality after an intoxicated conversation with some colleagues.

The synth sorcerer breaks down his live setup

Position: 5
Non Mover
Position: 40
Movement:   28

Double vision

Two heads are better than one in the eyes of the Adana Twins

The tale of how one quirky little tune became a sensation...

“Serious artists in general are assholes,” spits Quentin Dupieux. “DJs who don’t smile are boring. Musicians who think they have something important to say are...

Position: 51
Movement:   4

DJ Mag travels to the closest land mass to Antarctica on the planet to meet Gorillaz’s lead guitarist, Noodle, as the band’s bassist remains incarcerated...

People travel the immense distance to Patagonia for all manner of reasons: its jagged glacial peaks, untouched rivers and trekking on the scale that made...

What's happening to clubbing on Brighton's seafront?

Re-opened at the end of September under new management, Coliseum is the venue we once knew as Digital Brighton. A regular hang-out for clued up...

Steve Angello kicks off his 'REFLECTIONS' residency at LiFE Nightclub inside the SLS Las Vegas.

One of the cool things about going to a Vegas nightclub is that nothing is ever compromised upon. Heck, some of these places have drones...

He reportedly went home with some classical CDs

Pope Francis was spotted visiting a Rome record store last week. 

The 85-year-old head of the Catholic Church made the visit to Stereo Sound, a...

Epic season of club events across Leeds and Manchester to launch in September

September will see the launch of Coloursound, a four-month season of events that will bring house, techno, dnb, dubstep and trance to various...

Born in the UK in the early ‘90s, during a period of explosive creativity, the freeform breakbeats of jungle became the soundtrack to many producers’...

An avalanche of snare drums, sub-bass that pulverises your rib-cage, possessed divas wailing from the abyss; fragments of funk, shards of techno, dabs of dancehall...

Throughout the pandemic, grassroots activists and nightlife representatives have worked tirelessly to create a more sustainable, accessible and protected environment for dance music. DJ Mag...

Bristol has had an advisory night-time panel since 2018, where nightclubs meet with people from licensing, planning and musician’s unions. It’s one thing to have...

It's like the Dragons Den for DJ Technology at the BPM show. Time to get voting as we reveal who is in the running to...

We're taking the inaugural DJmag Tech Awards to an exciting new climax as we go Live in front of a show audience!

This Grand Finale...