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Results for: ION

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

It’s 2006 in Northern Ireland, and Belfast-born DJ Jordan is performing to 10,000 people on stage at the now-defunct Planet Love Festival, which is being...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

“The best lesson I learned very early was that it's best to be patient, and to take time to learn your craft and what you...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

Resident DJs are the unsung heroes of local scenes. Away from the bright lights and main stages of super-produced events, reliable community mainstays provide an...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

“I'm still kind of squatting in my own flat, I have no furniture yet, just a mattress on the floor and two Kallax shelves for...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

Patience is a rare thing in dance music. Subtlety, even more so. With so much new music emerging in an ever-changing cultural landscape, it can...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...


Lakker’s ‘Época’ is painfully current. Six months after its release on R&S, its dystopian atmosphere, ferocious rhythms and foreboding melodies feel like an increasingly...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

When we speak with Nightwave, she has just spent the past week on a shamanastic Huni Kuin retreat in a Scottish forest. The Huni Kuin...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both in their...

From the unfolding climate crisis to the way technology governs our lives, you’d be forgiven for thinking the future looks bleak. Yet the experimental electronic...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped and adapted the world of electronic music, both...

The last year has been tumultuous for Honey Soundsystem's Robert Yang AKA Bézier. In May last year, he learned of his father's passing, and began...

On Cue is our newly relaunched flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both...

Opening her On Cue mix with a Planningtorock remix of The Knife's ‘Let's Talk About Gender Baby’ seems like a more than appropriate start for...

On Cue is our newly relaunched flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both...

Logos is, by his own admission, not the most prolific producer. The London-based artist, otherwise known as James Parker, still works a dayjob, and in...

On Cue is our newly relaunched flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped the world of electronic music, both...

When we decided to relaunch our flagship mix series, one artist remained at the top of our hit list to kick things off from the...

Safeguard your hearing by making in-ear protectors part of your DJ gear...

In light of the recent news about Lil Louis DJ Mag thought it would be a good opportunity to touch base with the DJ community...

Youth and popularity - the fabric that makes up today's music industry. Enter Madeon, he's young, he's popular. Yet, in our five-hour conversation with the...

In under 10 minutes of speaking to Hugo Leclercq, the man behind the construction known as Madeon, it is clear the musical phenom is, inarguably...