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Results for: Drum & Bass

Ikonika's back with a fresh electro-funk sound.

Far from retro, she's dragged us into a new digital dimension. We talk pop, reshaping history and optimistic futures with one of the world's most forward-thinking producers...

New open-air venue London Camden Courtyard

The outdoor space boasts Martin Audio Sound and the team behind Electric Ballroom 

A new open-air venue is launching in London this summer. Camden Courtyard will welcome its first guests on Thursday 4th July, and offer a programme...

Gut Level Sheffield February 2024 fundraiser

Despite "new ceilings, insane amounts of fire safety bits, shit filled pipes" the queer-led DIY collective is finally on the cusp of a permanent new home 

Sheffield's Gut Level has launched an emergency fundraising appeal to cover final building works required to open a new venue. The queer-led DIY collective originally...

Evolution of UK electronic music, ‘from Doctor Who to acid house’, explored in new book

Dream Machines will trace the evolution of electronic music in the UK, from its avant-garde, post-WW2 beginnings to the dance music of today

A new book authored by Matthew Collin will explore the evolution UK electronic music through the 20th century. Dream Machines: Electronic Music in Britain From...

Crossing between electronic music and the arts, Sonar is regarded as one of the best festivals on the planet. Taking place 19th – 21st June...


1. Sonar was created by three people - Sergio Caballero, Ricard Robles and Enric Palau. Sergio and Enric were musicians in a band called...

DJ Mag caught up with this inspirational figure at the end of another great year...

“I hear things in pieces.” 
Kerri Chandler is on the phone in his studio, talking about how he processes music after thirty-plus years in the...

ADE images

We look at some of the best records shops and clothing and book stores to check out during the industry’s annual Amsterdam Dance Event

From October 19th to the 23rd, annual Dutch music conference Amsterdam Dance Event will present 1,000 events at over 200 venues, bringing hundreds of international...

Xavier de Rosnay & Gaspard Augé speak up...

The analogue synth craze is out of control. It’s hit its apex with SURVIVE’s John Carpenter-style soundtrack to Netflix sci-fi show Stranger Things. Now everyone’s...

Alfresco Festival, AVA Festival & Conference, Wigflex City Festival... 

Panic on the streets, or mass protests with Massive Attack’s 3D, moors ablaze and a distressed David Attenborough. The less said about the world...

Techno would not exist as it does today without Kevin Saunderson. Some of the Detroit techno architect’s most revolutionary work has been released under the...

Techno is the language of machines speaking to each other, the vocabulary of shiny circuitry, the sound of the future in the here-and-now. But when...

The creepy synth sounds of horror movie soundtracks by Goblin, Fabio Frizzi and John Carpenter have proven hugely influential on modern electronic music. DJ Mag...

But whilst these cheap horror films with their copious sex and violence might not have brought about the nation’s moral decay, they have wormed their...

Rave the Planet

Dr. Motte has denied knowledge of the symbol's meaning, and apologised for his "careless action"

The organiser of Berlin's Rave the Planet, Dr. Motte, has been criticised for displaying the symbol of the Querdenker COVID conspiracy group during last weekend's...

Long-time disco and house producer and DJ Moon Boots recently revamped his tour to incorporate a full live show. We go behind the scenes...

On the eve of his latest album 'Bimini Road' on Anjunadeep, Moon Boots was hard at work re-imagining his latest release into a seven-person live...

It's that time again! Many years ago someone decided the day after thanksgiving was a good time to do some shopping, and now we get...

DJ Paulette behind the decks

Manchester-based DJ Paulette — pivotal in several of the most significant moments in European electronic music history — has won this year’s Lifetime Achievement award

DJ Paulette has been active as a DJ, radio and TV host, A&R and PR for over 30 years, in the thick of the action...