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Results for: Sam Divine

Fracture's footwork-inspired jungle experiments are something fresh...

In drum & bass back in the '90s, it was kinda frowned upon for people to start exploring other styles. But as the scene matured...

Position: 10
Non Mover

Its the latest in a number of collaborative projects from Skrillex

Skrillex has shared new visuals for a collaboration with Jhay Cortez.

Following a string of tracks produced alongside the likes of Four Tet, J...

The legendary Miami venue has parented with EDC's parent company...

Insomniac has acquired an ownership stake for Club Space.

The legendary Miami venue has partnered with EDC's parent company to forge what is expected to...

Music and fashion combine!

It’s a music label and a fashion label, all at the same time. That makes A Votre well-and-truly connected! And it’s all thanks to the man Sante, pictured here wearing one of his own tees. Currently living in Berlin, this tech house wizard also has a flair for spotting a neat look, then translating that into actual threads fit for any music hungry thrill-seeker.

Latest news in clubland



Ending their winter hiatus, Leicester's Sonido giving the city's club scene a much needed shot in the arm with some cutting-edge tech...

The industrial sounds of the UK

The industrial sounds of Tough Luck Records come under spotlight in our UK Underground label focus

DJ Mag’s books and film editor Kirsty Allison meets up with the minds behind a new documentary on New York’s most famous nightclub, Studio 54...

In the great mirror ball of history, there’s always one velvet rope to be on the right side of. And once upon a time, on...

A handy guide to all the best Halloween parties across the USA...

Halloween means freedom. It’s the one holiday all year where you don’t have to worry about family politics or social niceties. It’s a euphoric, alcohol-soaked...

The first edition goes down on April 13th and features Pan Daijing, JASSS and Giant Swan

London’s Southbank arts and culture complex has announced a brand new series of club events to be held in its newly refurbished Queen Elizabeth Hall...

New deck warriors could do worse than get started with this kit package from Kam

As with all pursuits, it’s important to walk before you can run, and with this in mind the KAM150 Mixer Kit is a great starter...

49: Bambounou

Part of Paris’ mighty Youngunz crew, alongside friends such as French Fries and Manare, Bambounou first hit our radars with his ‘Animism’ EP...

On Cue is our flagship mix series, celebrating the pivotal DJs and producers whose influence has shaped and adapted the world of electronic music, both...

The last year has been tumultuous for Honey Soundsystem's Robert Yang AKA Bézier. In May last year, he learned of his father's passing, and began...

Over the years, has anything offered more sun-drenched hedonism than the Miami party season? Judging by the amount of bikini-ridden, buff-tan parties squeezed into Miami’s...

























Andy Cato looks back on the life behind his new 'Times & Places' album

"They were so much better when they first started," is the cry of dyed-in-the-wool hipsters over the world. But in the case of Groove Armada, the...