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Results for: Raresh

The latest and greatest DJs and producers rising to the top this month. From future-facing UKG and electro to funk-infused liquid d&b and warehouse-ready breaks...

Inspired by seeing her friends on the decks at parties and wanting to join in, Tañ began learning the ropes of mixing in 2019. Within...

Hooversound is the burgeoning UK club label run by SHERELLE and NAINA. As the much-hyped imprint celebrates its first release, prepares for the future, and...

In our new regular feature, Selections, we invite DJs, producers and label heads to dig into their digital crates and share recent additions to their...

Record stores and clubs around the world are shut, and opportunities to find new music out in the wild have been ripped from under our...

In these trying times, we look to get creative on a budget with nine free tools for making music 

We are living in uncertain times. The threat of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, has introduced some of the most drastic measures we’ve seen in a...

Sónar has always sought to support talent from its home country, and this year its programme highlighted the incredible creativity of Spain’s electronic music scene in...

Sónar 2019 took place last weekend, from Thursday 18th to Saturday 20th July. The programme featured artists that exist on the bleeding edge of electronic...

DJ Mag's latest monthly mix series puts the focus on the labels we love; outlets that are championing new artists, dropping key releases and driving...

Jennifer Cardini’s Correspondant label has, in its relatively short seven-year lifespan, already developed something of an aspirational authority on the European circuit and beyond. With...

The "two man house band" Session Victim deliver a succinct mix of smooth, jazz infused house, atmospheric balearic groove and soulful hip hop – We...

Session Victim have just left a party in L.A. It was shut down by the police, but it was “wonderful” while it lasted, they say...

A press shot of Flume in a striped jumper, holding a bunch of white flowers against an orange backdrop

Caught between the demands of being an internationally-renowned performer and his desire for a quiet life, Australian producer Flume found balance upon returning to his homeland. Amongst nature, and with a restored sense of wellbeing, he completed his most ambitious album to date, 'Palaces'. Megan Venzin learns its story

Flume fills arenas, smashes stage props with sledgehammers, and builds booming soundscapes with the high-tech gear that fills his ever-expanding studio. Harley Edward Streten, on...

DJ Mag caught up with this inspirational figure at the end of another great year...

“I hear things in pieces.” 
Kerri Chandler is on the phone in his studio, talking about how he processes music after thirty-plus years in the...

Even the top DJs had to learn from someone. In the Top 100 set questions in the preceding pages, we asked all the DJs voted...

This month we’ve learnt who the public have voted as their favourite DJs, but who are the DJs’ favourite DJs? Who inspired them and put them...

Ralph Lawson's Leeds house music institution 2020 Vision celebrates 20 momentous years...

Leeds house music institution 2020 Vision celebrates 20 momentous years in 2014. Here, label boss Ralph Lawson remembers two decades of one of the UK's...

"Will they, won’t they" has very much been the UK vibe for the past few months. Fear not, though, socio-political unrest notwithstanding, there are still...

Vancouver duo Minimal Violence released their debut album 'InDreams' this year via Ninja Tune, reuiniting rave and ferocious techno with a raw, punk foundation. DJ...

Faith 20 & Out, Aphex Twin Curates, Livity Sound in Bristol

Summer flew by faster than Boris Johnson’s parliamentary majority, but that’s no bad thing. Britain's busiest club night season is here, and it's looking good. ...

Nastia talks Ibiza, BURN residency and what it really takes to make it as an international touring DJ...

Nastia's journey began in the Ukraine where she was born into a “normal” family, with no musical education. Fast forward to 2018 and she’s one...