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Results for: Outlook

After struggling to renew their lease, the pub will close for good in October

After operating for thirteen years, popular Dublin venue The Bernard Shaw will permanently close its doors. 

The site encompasses a pub, live music venue, outdoor...

A 108-page report has slammed local government policy in the Australian state... 

The 'War On Festivals' New South Wales authorities have been waging could be axed following a new inquiry. 

The Australian state government's prohibitive licensing regulations...

First Glastonbury, then a city near you...

Glastonbury’s famed clubbing beacon Block9 is unveiling an all new art and music project called IICON, to premiere at this year’s festival, with further events...

Powered by Miller Genuine Draft...

The definitive guide to the world's best nightclubs – Top 100 Clubs 2019, powered by Miller Genuine Draft – launches today.

The annual poll, which...

Position: 70
Movement:   11

Doors are set to open over the upcoming bank holiday weekend...

Brilliant Corners is bringing its Giant Steps project to a new canal-side venue in London for a summer residency.

Giant Steps, a travelling sound system...

Live simulcast broadcast from Mallorca Rocks on 16th July

BBC Radio 1Xtra will be at the Majorca Rocks Hotel on the 16th July for a massive outdoor party hosted by Trevor Nelson, Tim...

Techno, trance, and house DJs will perform at this year's South West Four dance party on London's Clapham Common.

It was one of the biggest success stories of last year, and for 2006 looks likely to be the best dance music event during the...

One of Britain's most important clubs will close in June. It will reopen under a new name, and new ownership.

One of Britain's best-loved dance music clubs – Sankeys Soap – is closing, sort of.

Sacha Marchionne, co-owner of the Manchester-based venue, has decided to...

The latest, biggest and most epic addition to Brazilian's vibrant clubbing scene, Green Valley might just be the best outdoor club we're ever likely to...

Whoever said that travel broadens the mind probably wasn't thinking of times like this, but it's certainly stretching any previous conceptions of what outdoor clubbing...

Position: 19
Non Mover

John Hopkins, Violet, Floating Points, Ben UFO, TSHA, Four Tet and more feature on the line-up for The Hydra's send off

London venue The Drumsheds will shut permanently this month, with the final event set for Saturday 29th January 2022. 

The 10,000 capacity complex bows out...

Position: 12
Movement:   6

Indoor nightlife across Catalonia will be paused from Friday (9th July)

Barcelona’s indoor nightlife is to close this weekend in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The Catalan government has ruled that indoor nightclubs...