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Results for: Live Stream

Belfast appoints first-ever night czar, Michael Stewart

Stewart has been involved in the city's hospitality industry for a number of years, and owns a local business

Belfast has appointed its first-ever night czar, Michael Stewart. The appointment was announced this week, with Stewart saying he aims to address areas such as...

40 UK summer festivals have cancelled 2024 edition, AIF reveals

More events could disappear this year than at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic 

40 UK summer festivals have now cancelled their 2024 edition, according to new figures from the Association for Independent Festivals (AIF). Britain's leading industry body...

Nastia gives keynote speech on devastating impact of war in Ukraine

"This war is not just about Ukraine. We are fighting for the freedom of all of Europe, for the humanity of the whole world"

Ukrainian artist Nastia gave a candid keynote interview at this year's International Music Summit in Ibiza about Russia's war on Ukraine. Speaking with Billboard's Katie...

  From DIY imprints putting out 160bpm club bangers, forward-thinking electro cuts, twisted acid and rave sounds, through to big room techno's brightest stars launching...

Possibly the most-hyped label to have not released any music ever, Hoover Sound is the brainchild of Best Of British Breakthrough DJ winner SHERELLE and...

protest in tbilisi

“Our full support to every person fighting for the European future of Georgia”

4GB Festival in Georgia has cancelled its 2024 edition amid ongoing protests and political unrest in the country. The event announced its decision via social...

Help Musicians launches new mental health-focused charity, Music Minds Matter

The single-focus charity aims to help people across the music industry as they continue to navigate the post-pandemic landscape

UK charity Help Musicians has relaunched its subsidiary organisation, Music Minds Matter, as a single-focus charity devoted to the issue of mental health. Its aim...

March 18th-19th

Due to some technical issues with the site and also the fact that Miami quietened down hugely after week one of ultra finished - you...

During the early '90s the word 'rave' conjured up images of the era's legendary acid house parties. 30 years on — hijacked by the tabloid...

During the ‘90s, the term ‘rave’ became a buzzword in the tabloid press. And it’s happened again in 2020. So much so that they write...

Balearic trance

Ibiza played a central role in spreading a new take on trance around the turn of the millennium — a more soothing vein of the sound that captures the mood of a Mediterranean sunset. As clubs in Ibiza are opening again for the first time since 2019 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, DJ Mag dives into the roots of a genre that was inspired and shaped by the island’s unique appeal: Balearic trance

Long before turning into a global clubbing destination, Ibiza appealed to crowds looking for spiritual growth — with those from the hippie movement settling in...

The UK capital is making major strides...

Pretty much the whole of clubland was appalled when Fabric had its license revoked a few months back — after all, if Fabric could be...

DJ Mag reflects on the legendary singer's impact on dance music...

George Michael, who passed away at the tail end of last year, started off in the clubs before making it big with Wham! As a...

It's been another bumper year for quality dancefloor tracks. Here's our discerning pick of the best...

Bicep, Koze and Woolford are just a few names that have become reassuringly prevalent in our end-of-year pages in recent times — and, yes, there's...

Istanbul club documentary Movement

"This documentary explores the resilience of communities who fight to preserve these vital spaces, proving that the dancefloor is not just a place to party, it's a platform for change."

A new documentary spotlighting Istanbul's underground club scene is available online now. Watch it below. Movement is directed by Benjamin Muasya, and looks at queer-focussed...

A selection of 8 press shots of artists featured in DJ Mag’s March emerging artists feature

The latest and greatest DJs and producers rising to the top this month. From masterful footwork and radiant house, to striking Latin beats, eclectic electro, breaks and beyond, here’s March 2024’s list of upcoming talent you should be keeping track of

“I want to see the bodies riding soundwaves, sparkling sweat in the air, and infectious smiles,” says cay horiuchi, whose DJ sets seek to create...

Already part of some major DAWs including Logic Pro, AI and machine learning is becoming a staple of music studios through technology from assisted mixing and search...

In part one of our AI Futures series, we discussed the looming threats and opportunities around ‘deepfakes’ or style transfers using AI. We spoke to...