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Results for: Gideon

Manufacturing delays and rising costs are straining small, independent vinyl labels. Paired with environmental concerns and a reassessment of what physical releases can entail, the...

The word “shitshow” comes up a lot when you talk to independent label owners about producing vinyl. Emily Moxon, managing director at Brownswood, says that...

Slowly but surely, dance music in northern England is rebuilding, and the past year has encouraged some promoters to rethink how they can make clubs...

“The clubs are coming back, pass it on!”Like a whisper rippling through a crowd, excitement is mounting as venues prepare to reopen their doors. But...

One of the world’s great party cities, Berlin is facing up to the COVID-19 pandemic in its own unique way. How are the clubs getting...

It’s a Sunday afternoon in early October, and the trees in Berlin are clinging onto their leaves. Soon, they’ll fall away, revealing the graffiti-strewn yellows...

Shanghai’s pioneering SVBKVLT label is creating a bold new future for electronic and club music, spearheading a movement inspired as much by Chinese tradition as avant-garde...

It’s a week-night at Corsica Studios and the loudest club in London is packed out and shrouded in fog. Metal barriers carve out a makeshift...

Denver-based Illenium is the bass music star that sells out stadiums, but before he made music, he struggled with addiction. Around the release of his...

“The albums are a trilogy,” says Illenium. “That was my idea, which makes me wonder what I’m going to do next, but I’m not worrying...

Paranoid London are on a mission to bring back the rawness of old house, with their skeletal acid tracks and Chicago-influenced beats. We head to...

It’s not just the scorching temperature that’s causing us to sweat, as we wander around the back streets of Hackney trying to locate Paranoid London’s...

From back-to-back travel and navigating unknown places, to the thrill of peak time raving and the low of the next day, touring DJs lead lives...

The UK drum & bass scene has become overwhelmingly male and white. DJ Mag's Becca Inglis speaks to artists, promoters and label owners who are...

The push to close the “gender play gap” has accelerated this summer. At least 190 festivals have committed to booking 50/50 gender split line–ups by...

Noncompliant (AKA DJ Shiva) delivers an hour of blistering, assertive techno. We catch up with the Midwest legend to learn about the Indiana rave scene...

With Marc Romboy, Jules Buckley, Max Richter, Carl Craig and more...

At first glance, we’re led to believe that the worlds of classical and electronic music are galaxies apart. But there are more parallels and crossovers...

For 20 years, DJmag has been in amongst it, at the vanguard of dance and electronic music culture, commentating, conversing and partying within the scene...

By the middle of 1991, the UK had experienced the biggest youth revolution since punk. Acid house had swept the nation in the late '80s...

Even the top DJs had to learn from someone. In the Top 100 set questions in the preceding pages, we asked all the DJs voted...

This month we’ve learnt who the public have voted as their favourite DJs, but who are the DJs’ favourite DJs? Who inspired them and put them...

Sam Divine, Dennis Ferrer, Sonny Fodera...

When Simon Dunmore left his major label A&R job with AM:PM, the dance offshoot of A&M Records, to start his own independent dance label, even...

DJ Mag travels to High Contrast's home city of Cardiff to meet the film-obsessed DJ/producer...

Lincoln Barrett really loves movies. Invited into his spacious house in the town of Penarth, minutes from central Cardiff, it’s impossible not to notice the...

His undying love for garage kept it alive during leaner times, and as his recent 24-hour set for Cancer Research on Boiler Room showed, his...

Dressed in black t-shirt and cap, garage don DJ EZ stands in stark contrast to the bright white walls of the south-east London studio that...