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Results for: canada

The event marks the fifth anniversary of Somerset House Studios

Somerset House Studios is opening up for its first large-scale post-pandemic event next month, marking its fifth anniversary with its annual AGM event.

On 14th...

Position: 47
Movement:   18
Position: 77
new entry

The Dutch icon is back with another banger...

Martin Garrix has just released brand-new track, titled 'High On Life', and featuring Bonn on vocals.

Garrix aired the track recently as the set-closer to...

Plants cropped up on five different continents...

It’s no secret that the vinyl resurgence has been under way for some time now. Although much of this is attributable to classic album re-issues...

The EDM superstar is a man of his word...

Picture this: one minute you’re BoMason, an R&B producer of little renown who makes beats with your brother. The next, you’re rubbing shoulders with deadmau5...

Position: 51
Movement:   12
Position: 87
new entry
Position: 75
Movement:   2

Clubbers could soon been paying for club tickets and records via SMS. PayPal, the online payment system, is now available to mobile phone users.

Soon clubbers will be able to pay for entrance to clubs using their mobile phones.

PayPal, an online payment system with over 96.2 million account...

Absolut Vodka has gathered a host of talented DJs and dance music producers to remix Lenny Kravitz. Download Ashley Beedle's remix for free, and watch...

Video: Press Play

Ashley Beedle Vs Kravitz (please wait)

Words: Terry Church


Sounding fresh...

Canadian beatsmith Kaytranada has teased new material via Instagram which has sent the rumour mill into overdrive.

Shared via the DJ and producer's Instagram a...

With Miller Genuine Draft

Miller SoundClash is the annual competition run by Miller Genuine Draft, in association with DJ Mag and Mixcloud, to uncover the very best up-and-coming DJ...

In late April, travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic left Almad, a DJ from Athens who founded the PlayHouse party series — which has...

Life is full of challenges. Often, they’re not one you expected, nor hoped for. But rising to these challenges, in most cases, makes you stronger...

Nearly $50mil ain’t a bad year...

Calvin Harris tops all EDM earners in the recent ‘Highest-Paid Celebrities’ list produced by Forbes. Diddy tops the list at $130 million, nearly tripling...